Cthulucene and the Humble Compost Heap #wip

“The unfinished Chthulucene must collect up the trash of the Anthropocene, the exterminism of the Capitalocene, and chipping and shredding and layering like a mad gardener, make a much hotter compost pile for still possible pasts, presents, and futures.”

- Donna Harraway

Chthonic derives from ancient Greek khthonios, “of the earth,” and from khthōn, “earth.” Greek mythology depicts the chthonic as the underworld, beneath the Earth; but the chthonic ones are much older (and younger) than those Greeks. Sumeria is a riverine civilisational scene of emergence of great chthonic tales, including possibly the great circular snake eating its own tail, the polysemous Ouroboros (figure of the continuity of life, an Egyptian figure as early as 1600 BCE; Sumerian SF worlding dates to 3500 BCE or before).


Pee Bales - wee on your compost heap to fertilise and save toilet flushing https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/earthnews/6554958/Urinate-on-the-compost-heap-to-save-the-planet-says-the-National-Trust.html

https://www.plasticwastehub.org.uk/project/the-big-compost-experiment The Big Compost Experiment

Symbols of the compost heap

  • Legacies and storytelling

  • Imaginative futures

Qualities of the CH itself

  • Idea of using compost heaps as an installation or sculptural entity


Week Twenty One | Ausnahmezustand #wip


Life Lived Along Lines | Cracks in the Universe, Grey & Dark Matter and other Squiggly Networks