Landscape Drawing on Zoom
Tutorials and Drawing Sessions on Zoom
Tutorials are two hours and on an ad hoc basis on a specific theme. These are generally 60 minutes of information, demos and discussions and 45 minutes of quiet drawing time practicing learning with questions at the end. Tutorials are £35 for two hours and are on Zoom, recorded to catch up on or repeat later. After the event recordings are available to purchase for £40 and recordings are available for 6 months.
Landscape Drawing on Zoom sessions are now held once a month on a Tuesday evening at 7pm UK time. These are generally 30 minutes of demos or discussions and 60 minutes of quiet drawing time. Each session is 90 minutes and are £12 and recorded to catch up on later if you can’t make it. After the event recordings are available to purchase for £15. Recordings are available for 3 months.
All session are intended for all levels from beginners to seasoned artists. Please read the descriptions carefully before purchasing. Thank you!
Please note: I will send all participants an information sheet on what to expect and the Zoom link around 24 hours before the session. Please keep an eye out and check your spam folder.
Christmas Draw Together! FREE
This session has now passed. There is no recording of this session.
Landscape Drawing on Zoom | A Mixed Media Approach
This session has now passed but you can purchase the recording by clicking here.
Landscape Drawing on Zoom | Composition
This session has now passed but you can purchase the recording by clicking here.