Week Three | How to Fail

This week has been a failure. We were encouraged to try something in our practice that might fail. And I didn’t even try so an A star for me.

I am feeling frustrated this week as I am pulled in too many directions. Whilst I feel aware that my art practice is not a tap that can be switched on and off; I do feel life has swallowed up every spare minute that would preferably have been dedicated to some form of drawing or research.

The research I carried out on Violent Death yielded little other than a sense of ‘thinness’. The concepts feel dry and voyeuristic but I am happy to park them until they start to make sense in the studio.

For now I am spending my time drawing as an avenue to explore process and generate visual ideas rather than conceptual ones. I feel that the drawings I am making are a little samey but I am enjoying them and am reminding myself to be patient when not every attempt is newsworthy.


Week Four | Stock Take


Week Two | Violent Death