Week Thirty-Eight | RIP the RP
The RP nearly killed me, it really did. I have skipped burn out just about, yet again, and am now just happy I did it despite everything and although it wasn’t what I had expected or hoped, I learnt so much. I feel nervous about the idea of letting Professor Dryden read it but I hope he will understand. He seems a kind man.
The one huge positive is how much I have learnt about drawing. I have always danced around the idea and read stuff I would then hang my hat on for a while. But I do now finally feel I am beginning to actually, properly understand what it is or what I think it is, more significantly.
I have read so much and have so much more to read. There must be 500 links saved to read later and reading the RPs of the other students on the course has been absolutely wonderful. I look forward to hearing how they have informed others’ practices and reflecting over Christmas how mine has informed my work.
Things that I notice
Drawing seems to be the spine of my work, where the messages or ideas originate and are then sent out peripherally to be actioned or brought into being
Drawing is more than I had realised
I think maybe my own drawing is more than I had realised
I really enjoy academic writing and I think I will pursue the idea of writing more
I’m grieving a little now it’s done. I miss it and want to do another one, well maybe not another one, but another writing project. Such a dork
When I have a bit of distance and maybe the Unit Two Feedback I will sit down and write a list of more specific reflections but for now I am beyond tired and looking forward to a break.